White Plains

By train
By train

Metro North commuter train from Grand Central and 125th St. in New York city and other points south, or from Brewster, Wassaic, and other points north on the Harlem line. See (http://mta.info/mnr/html/mnrmap.htm for maps, schedules, and fare information.)

By bus
By bus

There is a network of Westchester County buses in the Bee Line system. See (http://beelinebus.westchestergov.com/ for further information.)

By car
By car

White Plains has several major highways passing though it.

Interstate 287, which connects to the Tappan-Zee bridge to the west, and Interstate 95 in the east, has several exits which can drop you in many different parts of White Plains.It is frequently congested due to ongoing construction.

Without traffic, one can make it to Manhattan in 30 minutes.